C++ This Pointer

October 27, 2015 Posted by WithU Technologies
Sometimes in C++ we need to access the address of an object and that time use this pointer.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Keyword{     // A class is Declared


      Keyword(int a, int b)      //Regular Constructor initialized with two parameters




      void printOut(){

          sum = x+y;

          cout<<"The sum is(using keyword): "<<this->sum<<endl;  //sum output using this keyword

          cout<<"The sum is:(regular output) "<<sum<<endl;   //regular output

          cout<<"The sum is(using this as pointer): "<<(*this).sum<<endl;  //sum output using this as a pointer


private:           //Three integer variables are initialised under as private members

      int x;

      int y;

      int sum;


int main() {

      Keyword NewOb(10,26);   //NewOb object is created under Keyword class and it passes two values to the parameter of the constructor

      NewOb.printOut(); //printOut function is called here to display the three different ways to output the same thing using this keyword



 * Output:

 *The sum is (using keyword): 36

The sum is(regular output): 36

The sum is (using this as pointer): 36


·         This keyword is only to be used inside a member function.

·         It refers to the object when it will be called by the main function.

·         Here as we can see that we output the same thing with three different ways.

·         As this is used as a pointer to the object, thus arrow selection operator is used to select the member variable.

·         This keyword has its own importance and it is also used in operator overloading.