As we know the Encapsulation rules that there are different Access specifiers to access certain objects and variables.
Private specifiers cannot be accessed from outside the class.
But if we use the friend keyword as prefix before a non- member external function then we can access the private members.
Private specifiers cannot be accessed from outside the class.
But if we use the friend keyword as prefix before a non- member external function then we can access the private members.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Keyword{ // A class is Declared
Keyword() //Regular Constructor initialized without any parameters
cout<<"Before Modification: "<<x+y<<endl; //Two integer variable initialised with values and we also have their sum as output here
private: //Two integer variables are initialised under the private encapsulation
int x;
int y;
friend void NewKeyword(Keyword &NewOb); //friend keyword is used to access the Keyword class from outside
void NewKeyword(Keyword &NewOb){ //NewKeyword function took Keyword class as its parameter and pass it by reference to NewOb object using ampersand (&) operator
NewOb.x = 12; //New value is assigned to x variable using dot operator
NewOb.y = 25; //New Value is assigned to y variable
cout<<"After Modification: "<<NewOb.x+NewOb.y<<endl; //New Output after using the new values
int main() {
Keyword NewOb; //NewOb object is created under Keyword class
NewKeyword(NewOb); //it pass the new value by reference of NewOb object
· Initially we use the public class to access the private members and then use those members to output the summation. Thus we get an output as Before Modification
· As we can see here in the example shown above, a NewKeyword function is declared outside the public class as an external function.
· We use the friend keyword as prefix before that external function and it will provide a link to access the private members and thus we can modify those members with new values which provide a new result.