In case of Operator Overloading we overload operator to use the operator with user defined types.
For Example: ‘*’ multiplication operator can be overloaded to add two objects together.
In C++ Except five operators, all other Operators can be overloaded. And the five Operators which can’t be overloaded are:
ReturnType ClassName operator(keyword) operator(symbol)(parameter list)
//Function body
For Example: ‘*’ multiplication operator can be overloaded to add two objects together.
In C++ Except five operators, all other Operators can be overloaded. And the five Operators which can’t be overloaded are:
1. sizeof – size of Operator
2. :: - Scope Operator
3. . - Member Selector
4. ?: - Ternary operator
5. * - Member Pointer selector
ReturnType ClassName operator(keyword) operator(symbol)(parameter list)
//Function body
using namespace std;
class NewOperator{
int Out; //initialised a variable as a public member to make it accessible by all other members
NewOperator() //Blank Constructor is initialized, without any parameter
NewOperator(int a) //Another constructor initialized along with one parameter
:Out(a) //Member initilaizer list and here Out is the variable and a is the value assign to it
NewOperator operator*(NewOperator &NewOb){ // Operator * means we multiply the overloaded operators
NewOperator result; // A new Object result is created
result.Out=this->Out+NewOb.Out; //this act as a pointer to the object which refers to the current object and NewOb is parameter's object
return result; // result is returned
int main(){
int r; //local variable initialized
int s; //local variable initialized
cout<<"Enter a number: "<<endl; //Take an input
cout<<"Enter another number: "<<endl; //Take another input
NewOperator DisplayOut = r+s; //New object created which stores the summation of two values
cout<<"Output: "<<DisplayOut.Out; //Display the output by calling member variable Out
* Enter a number:
Enter another number:
Output: 155
· We declare two constructors with the same class name and one-member variable.
· Overloaded operator are functions and thus they have return type and parameter list.
· There we use the keyword operator after the class name and then the keyword operator is followed by an operator symbol which is to be overloaded.
· Here we overload the multiplication operator (*).
· The parameter takes an object of our class and it will also return the same.
· Thus the result’s object Out member variable holds the summation of current object pointed by this keyword and the parameter object. It returned the result object.
· Precedence, grouping or number of operands of an operator cannot be changed.
· Only existing operators can be overloaded.