C++ Class Templates

October 27, 2015 Posted by WithU Technologies
As like the function templates we can define a class template with the help of same syntax we learned in the previous chapter.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class R>    //alternative template<typename R>

class DisplayGreater{


  R a,b;   //two generic private member variables declared


  DisplayGreater(R x, R y)   //constructor is used to initialize the variable

       :a(x), b(y)    //member list initialized



  R Display(){

        return (a>b?a:b);  //ternary operator is used



int main() {

      DisplayGreater<int> show(10,25);  //data type is specified in angle brackets

      cout<<show.Display();     //Display function called

      return 0;


// Output 25

·         Here before declaring the class DisplayGreater we initialize the template.

·         Then we initialize two generic variables under private access specifier.

·         Those variables are then accessed by constructor and initialize them by member initializer list.

·         Then we create Display function with data type as R.

·         And then we used the ternary operator to find out the bigger value.

·         The ternary operator syntax provided here is (a>b?a:b) which is equivalent to the expression if a is greater than b, return a, else, return b.

·         In the main function we create an object named show using a different syntax.

·         In this case after the class name, datatype is specified within angle brackets in which the function works and make output.

·         The Display function returns the greater value of the two member variables.

Class templates for separate class files.

·         We already learn how to create separate header and source file for a new class and we also work with them.

·         So, now we learn how to implement or use the class template with separate class file.

·         A specific syntax is required in case we define our member functions outside of our class.


Header file (classname.h)
  template<class R>    //alternative template<typename R>

  class DisplayGreater{


  R a,b;   //two generic private member variables declared


  DisplayGreater(R x, R y)

       :a(x), b(y)    //member list initialized


  R Display();   //Declares the class        

Source file (classname.cpp)
template<class R>

R DisplayGreater<int>::Display()   //Defines the class and data type is specified in angle brackets


        return (a>b?a:b);  //ternary operator is used
