Introduction on C++

September 14, 2015 Posted by WithU Technologies
Tony: What is C++?

Instructor: C++ is an Object orient programming which was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup by combining C and Simula67 programming languages in early 1980's.

  • C+ is the superset of C. Hence both are somehow same upto a certain limit. Except this features which are added to C++ only:
  1. Inheritance,

  2. Function overloading

  3. Operator overloading

  4. Polymorphism

And all this makes C++ a truly object oriented language.

Tony: How to write C+ programs?

Instructor: Let's start with a simple C++ program that print a string on the screen.

First of all open the Hello World program in your Eclipse IDE with a C++ project name as SimpleProgram. Delete the Hello world Program and type a new similar program.


Name : SimpleProgram.cpp

Author : RJ Chakraborty

Description : SimpleProgram in C++, Ansi-style


#include <iostream>
// include header file

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout<<"Learning C++\n"; // C++ Statement

return 0;

} // End of Example

It will be look like this which demonstrates some basic C++ features.

Program Explained


  • The above example contains only one function, main(). Every C+ program must have a main().

  • C++ statements terminate with semicolons.

  • Single line Comments start with double slash // and it will be terminated at the end of the line.

  • For multi-line comments, C++ use /*,*/ symbols as like C.

Output Operator

cout<<"Learning C++\n";
  • cout which pronounced as See-out is the print operator here which display the String in quotation along with a new line represented by \n.

  • << is called the insertion or put to operator which inserts the contents of the variable on its right to the object on its left. Here object is cout.

The iostream file

#include <iostream>

  • Here #include act as a preprocessor to add the content of the iostream file to the program. Earlier we use iostream.h as the header file to include. But ANSI C++ change that to iostream only.

  • Iostream means input/output statements, thus every C++ program consist of input/output statements should include the iostream header file at the beginning of the program.


using namespace std;
  • New concept introduced by ANSI C++ standard committee.

  • Here, std is the namespace where ANSI C++ standard class libraries are defined. This will bring all the identifiers defined in std to the current global scope.

Return Type of main()

int main(){

cout<<"Learning C++";
return 0;


  • main() always returns an integer type value by default.

  • Therefore, every main() in C++ should end with a return statement- return 0;

  • Otherwise a warning or an error might occur.

  • By default the return type for all functions in C++ is int.

In the next chapter we will be working with more complex C++ program with some more statements to learn.